With over 2 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp plans to roll out the editing capability to its entire user base in the coming weeks. Notably, India stands as its largest market, with a staggering 487 million users.
In a blog post on Monday, the messaging service expressed excitement about providing users with more control over their chats. It explained that users can edit messages by long-pressing on a sent message and selecting the “Edit” option from the menu within the 15-minute timeframe.
To ensure transparency, edited messages will be labeled as “edited,” alerting recipients to the fact that the content has been modified. However, recipients will not be able to view the specific changes made to the message over time.
WhatsApp’s decision to introduce this feature follows similar offerings from Telegram and Signal, other prominent messaging services. Interestingly, Facebook, the parent company of WhatsApp, had implemented the edit function almost a decade ago on its social media platform. Facebook users can see when a post has been modified, and a history of edits is accessible.
Last year, Twitter, spearheaded by entrepreneur Elon Musk, also announced that it would allow paying subscribers to edit their tweets within a 30-minute window. The platform aimed to make tweeting a less stressful and more approachable experience for users, fostering effortless participation in conversations.
As WhatsApp joins the ranks of messaging platforms offering message editing, users can look forward to greater flexibility and control over their communications.