US Representative Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09), has put forward H.J. Res. 70, a legislative measure aimed at terminating the national emergency declaration pertaining to Libya.
The declaration was originally issued by President Obama on February 25, 2011, through Executive Order 13566.
In a statement, Congressman Gosar highlighted the need for periodic review and reporting on the 41 extended national emergencies, including the one concerning Libya. The National Emergencies Act requires the US Congress to consider joint resolutions terminating national emergencies every six months.
Surprisingly, the national emergency related to Libya has never undergone a review by Congress since its declaration over a decade ago.
Ironically, the extended national emergency continues to cite Muammar Gaddafi as the reason for the declaration, despite the fact that Gaddafi passed away nearly 12 years ago. Congressman Gosar humorously noted this fact, emphasising that such details cannot be fabricated.
Since 2011, Libya has not posed any military or economic threat to the US. Congressman Gosar asserted that the people of Libya deserve to determine their own destiny without the fear of US bombings, attacks, or interference orchestrated by unauthorised American agencies. He emphasised the importance of acting with proper Congressional approval in matters related to Libya.