India’s External Affairs Minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, announced that his country is not planning to invite Ukraine to the G20 summit in September.
“In our view, G20 participation is for members and organizations we have invited. That list we declared as soon as we assumed the G20 presidency” in December, Jaishankar told reporters.
India avoided denouncing Russia’s military operation in Ukraine and has sought to end it through diplomacy and dialogue.
“It is not something that we have reviewed and it is not something very honestly which we have discussed with anybody,” the minister mentioned.
Zelenskyy was invited to participate in last year’s G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia.
The Ukrainian leader met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the summit of the G7 in Japan in May. It was their first meeting since Russia invaded Ukraine in February last year.
India hopes to deepen trade with Russia, its Cold War ally, from whom it has continued to buy record amounts of crude. It also depends on Russia for about 60% of its defense equipment.