The overall Consumer Price Index (CPI), also known as the inflation rate, in Jordan for June reached 108.83 compared to 107.58 for the same month in 2022, recording a 1.17% increase, according to a monthly report issued by the Department of Statistics. Meanwhile, the cumulative CPI for the first half of the current year reached 108.55 compared to 105.41 for the same period in 2022, marking an increase of 2.98%.
This increase is primarily due to the rise in prices of certain product groups including dairy and eggs, personal luggage, tobacco and cigarettes, culture and entertainment, personal care, rentals, grains and their products, shoes, sugar and its products, education, home maintenance services, household utensils, home textiles, health, other services, fuel and lighting, oils and fats, household appliances, restaurants and hotels, and communication. These categories collectively represent 64.42% of the inflation basket.
On the other hand, product groups including vegetables and canned and dried legumes, meat and poultry, fruits and nuts, transportation, beverages and refreshments, spices, food enhancers and other foods, tea, coffee, and cocoa, clothing, fish and sea products saw a decrease in their prices and constitute 34.01% of the inflation basket.
As for the remaining product groups, no significant changes in their prices were observed during this period.
The CPI for June of this year reached 108.83 compared to 108.62 for May of the same year, recording an increase of 0.20%. This is a result of the increase in prices of goods groups that represent 44.05% of the inflation basket.
Conversely, certain groups recorded a decrease in their prices, representing 40.11% of the inflation basket.
The cumulative CPI for the first six months of this year reached 108.55 compared to 105.41 for the same period in 2022, recording an increase of 2.98%.
This increase was due to the rise in prices of goods groups including fuel and lighting, culture and entertainment, furniture and carpets, dairy products and eggs, health, personal care, rentals, restaurants and hotels, grains and their products, oils and fats, home maintenance services, home textiles, personal luggage, transportation, shoes, sugar and its products, household appliances, education, home maintenance, tobacco and cigarettes, other services, tea and coffee, household utensils, communications, fish and sea products, and alcoholic beverages, representing 82.04% of the inflation basket.
On the other hand, the product groups of vegetables and dried and canned legumes, fruits and nuts, spices, food enhancers and other foods, clothes, meat and poultry, and beverages and refreshments recorded a decrease in prices, representing 16.40% of the inflation basket.
As for the rest of the product groups, there was no notable change in their prices during this period.