The Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia has confirmed that Tomorrow, June 19, will mark the start of the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah. This announcement comes after the sighting of the new crescent moon in Saudi Arabia on the evening of Sunday, June 18.
This moon sighting has officially set the schedule for significant Islamic events including the annual Hajj pilgrimage and Eid Al Adha. As per the statement released by the Supreme Court and disseminated by the Saudi Press Agency, the Hajj pilgrimage, which all healthy and able Muslims are required to undertake once in a lifetime, is set to commence on June 26.
Further details shared in the announcement reveal that Arafat Day, a significant day in the Hajj pilgrimage, will be observed on Tuesday, June 27. The celebration of Eid Al Adha will begin on Wednesday, June 28.
With the sighting of the crescent moon on Sunday night, the last month in the Islamic Hijri calendar, Dhul Hijjah, officially starts on Monday, June 19. This time period is pivotal in the Islamic calendar, as it marks both a spiritual journey for Muslims participating in the Hajj and a time of significant religious observance for those celebrating Eid Al Adha worldwide.
Eid Al Adha means “festival of the sacrifice”. The holiday commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s gesture to sacrifice his son when asked by God to do so in a dream, as a test of his faith.